I studied ceramics at Sheridan College in Toronto, from 2005 to 2008. Ceramics fascinate me, because they have such a powerful relationship with time.

This is probably my most private art. My ceramics are offerings, made specifically to speak to eternity, not to the present. I have made a self-portrait in the form of a lost civilzation. I made it in earthenware, because I am poor. Not feeling much listened to, I spoke to the distant future instead.

A fire can turn a gesture into stone. That’s what ceramics are. You can squeeze your hand, shape a plug of clay, and then dry it, and then fire it, and your handprint can survive a million years. That’s what ceramics mean. Spiritually, the fact that ceramics are useful is a second-tier issue. Ceramics are a method by which gestures can escape from time..