Three New Victorian Designs for Howland

This project began with my patron discovering a huge broken door, possibly from one of the big old mansions on Church Street. It was shattered in many places, but it was full of fine glass. We resolved to convert it into three new windows.

For the first one, I used the old border. For the rest, I designed a Victorian crazy-quilt window, but with much more vivid colour. I wanted it to be luminous and luxurious, like a Fra Angelico, but still to read as Victorian. I was able to use a painted bird I had, and then I scrounged deep in my piles of glass for all the prettiest bits.

For the second window, I re-used the main brd from the door and all of its setting. Because the colours were not inspiring, I added a border in blue and orange.

For the third one, we had little remaining old glass, but we did have a colour scheme and a feeling. I designed a predella in Renaissance style, with three small scene that illustrate the main picture. This one is about Dawn, Day, and Night. Like the first one, this one is a chamber of curiosities of glass, all of it chosen for its luminosity.